Letter from the Director

Letter from the Director

March 24, 2025

Dear Friends of Mary Help,

Spring officially arrived on Thursday March 20. Whether you live in the North or the South, the date of Spring’s arrival may not make much of a difference right away – temperatures tend to remain the same, snow can still fall where snow usually falls, and we may not see much change in the weather here in Florida or other parts of the South.

However, in the Salesian world, the arrival of Spring turns our minds to thoughts of SUMMER CAMP! Throughout our Salesian region in the East, as well as in the Western United States, and indeed, in many places around the Salesian world, summer camps are an important part of Salesian life.

When Mary Help of Christians was a boarding school, it was transformed from boarding school to sleep-away camp practically overnight. Over the years, the type of camp has changed from a boys’ sleep-away camp to a day camp for boys and girls from the area.

I am happy to announce that Camp Mary Help will continue this year under the capable guidance of Mr. Stephen Watkins. He recently joined the staff at Mary Help Center, first of all, as the Camp Director. He has many years’ experience – as a camper, a counselor, assistant director and director at Camp Good Counsel, conducted by the Diocese of St. Petersburg. He also worked in youth ministry, especially at St. Paul’s parish in Tampa. He has a heart for young people, a desire to do ministry, and years of experience in all aspects of camp. After the camp season, Stephen will continue as the director of mission advancement at the Center, responsible for the areas of marketing and fund development. His work will assist us in continuing and spreading the gospel of Jesus through the example and teaching of Don Bosco. Welcome, Stephen!

At the same time, I thank Mr. Ryan Phelan for his three years as Camp Director. He has been active in Salesian ministry from his youth at the Marian Shrine in Stony Point NY. He relocated to Florida a number of years ago, and Fr. Franco asked him to become Camp Director. Best wishes in your endeavors and helping your own children become “good Christians and upright citizens.”

Today is the 24th of the month – we commemorate Mary Help of Christians. This is Mary’s house. She is the protector of those who come here, the intercessor for those who pray to her Son through her. Don Bosco wanted us to remember our devotion to her on this day. When I walk from St. Philip’s Residence to the main building each morning, I stop under the statue of Mary Help of Christians at the top of the main building and pray that she may bless all who live, wotk and visit here, and that the power of the devil not be allowed to have a stronghold here.

Tomorrow is the 25th of March – the solemnity of the Annunciation. We celebrate Mary’s “Yes” to God’s invitation that she become the mother of the Son. A mystery – a miracle – something

we cannot explain. Mary could not explain it – she accepted the invitation in faith, realizing that God had a plan even if she didn’t understand all of it. She was part of it. May we ask for the same faith that Mary had – the ability to say “Yes” to God because God is God and His Word is true, even if we don’t always understand God’s plan fully at the present time.

Mary, Help of Christians, pray for us!

Fr. John J. Serio SDB
